I have more than 20 years of experience helping movement, progressive and other nonprofit organizations actualize their missions and achieve their goals with the help of technology. I've done just about everything there is to do in the realm of nonprofit technology, but my most recent area of focus has been on organizational digital security:

  • Helping organizations understand how digisec fits into a larger, holistic understanding of community safety and security;
  • Breaking down intimidating and inaccessible tech terms and concepts so that people feel empowered to work towards their own digital security;
  • Assessing the position from which organizations are starting and the threats that they face; and
  • Making recommendations and implementing solutions to help them improve their overall digital security in a harm-reduction-informed approach.

My work has always been grounded in my values, politics, activism and organizing, which includes extensive work in non-digital forms of community safety and security.

In 2023, after nearly 13 years as a co-founder and worker-owner at Palante Technology Cooperative, I returned to the familiar realm of independent consulting, now equipped with the extensive experience, skills and knowledge developed during my time at the cooperative. Read more about my departure from Palante and my next steps.

I offer a variety of services in both organizational digital security and the broader world of nonprofit technology:

  • Assessment, analysis, and recommendations;
  • Strategic planning for both specific projects and overall technology needs;
  • Change management and project management for successful implementations of new solutions;
  • Policy and process development to ensure long-term success of newly-implemented and existing technology;
  • Coaching to help operations managers, IT directors and others who are charged with developing, maintaining and implementing technological solutions and practices;
  • Curriculum development, training and documentation to provide accessible knowledge and skill development to staff, membership, volunteers and other community members;
  • Meeting and workshop facilitation to guide discussions towards productivity in ways that promote full engagement and avoid perpetuating systemic oppression; and
  • Public speaking and political education to bridge the gaps between technology and social justice.

I am available for both one-off projects and trainings and ongoing organizational support.

Please visit my Contact page if you are interested in hiring me or would like to learn more about my offerings.