The centre cannot hold: on diversity and inclusion in tech
Does the language of diversity and inclusion in tech serve us?
In her autobiography, Assata Shakur warns of the slippery nature of "liberal," both the word and the political concept.
Does the language of diversity and inclusion in tech serve us?
In her autobiography, Assata Shakur warns of the slippery nature of "liberal," both the word and the political concept.
The word is out! Here's my letter to the community as I prepare to leave my beloved Palante Technology Cooperative:
Dear community,
Right now we're working with the same federal government's tech and privacy policies as we've had for the past four years. Come January we may see things start to shift rapidly, with federal, state and local agencies and law enforcement cracking down on those of us who have been labeled as "the enemy within."
But in the meantime I worry that we'll be targeted by non-governmental groups or individuals who are emboldened by the incoming fascist regime. So here are some things we can do now to increase our digital security in ways that can protect us now and in the future.